Pyae Phyo Thant Nyo
As a multidisciplinary artist, Phyo started working with photography. Finding the medium limiting, his focus shifted onto painting, mastering a method he named ‘analogue photoshop’. It aims to approach physical canvas as one would digital one, combining Western and Eastern pre-existing visual elements into a complex multicultural image. Phyo reinterprets Burmese mythology through modern lenses to create a new form of expression and identity that would correspond with him and his contemporary’s worldview as he grew up in a Yangon surrounded by Western influences, from art,
cinema to, often misrepresented, history. Phyo’s practice aims to bridge the generational, ideological and geographical gap, that he experienced first-handed when residing in the United Kingdom, between clashing cultures with Buddhist values.
Pyae Phyo Thant Nyo (b. 1998, Myanmar) has a BA in Fine Art: Photography from the University of Arts London, Camberwell College of Arts (2021).
2020 ART - SPACES - US, Online exhibition by Myanm/art Gallery, Yangon, Myanmar (Group exhibition)
2020 Don’t Panic, Southwark Park Lake Gallery, London, UK (Group exhibition)
2021 Mycelium Collective, Online exhibition, Camberwell College of Arts, London, UK (Group exhibition)
2021 SEA, The Showcase, Online exhibition, Goldsmiths, University of London, London, UK (Group exhibition)
2021 Graduation Show, Camberwell College of Arts, London, UK (Group exhibition)