Hubert Bujak

Expressionist and surrealist artist whose paintings expand on notions of humanity with reference to war

Hubert Bujak, born in 1980, studied at the Faculty of Painting and Sculpture at the Academy of Fine Arts in Wrocław (2005-2010). His works are the result of many years of searching for his own style within classical disciplines. Showing strong connections with expressionism and surrealism, Bujak's art gives access and insight into the deeper layers of the mind and perception of reality. In his strictly figurative works, the artist uses simple forms, symbols, archetypes and cultural themes. He lives and works in Wrocław.

"The theme of a primitive man and the visions of the pre- or post-historical world, which often appear in my works, are used to present the primitive forces hidden behind a thin layer of civilisation. The brutal expression of some of my paintings is associated with latent human cruelty, the possibility of violence, and also shows the existence of deep pain and immense suffering that is an integral part of human existence. I try to delve as deeply as possible into the reality of human nature and show what it looks like without a civilisation shell.” -Hubert Bujak


Photo credit to Małgorzata Kujda.


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