Aung Khant
“What I can say about my artist life is an alternation of Nietzschean Apollonian and Dionysian phases with a nihilist twist which means I’m a great admirer of Rick Sanchez’s “Wubba lubba dub dub!” and Jordan Peterson’s debates on free speech, which represent my view about the current Burmese art scene”, Aung Khant.
Colourful and animated imagery created with striking contrasts and rebellious motifs, Khant’s artworks are characterised by comical elements and styles inspired by Kerby Rosanes, Keith Haring and Jean DuBuffet. His activist artworks embody his personal experience during the coup, his diverse life philosophies and a nostalgic collection of Burmese comics, horror books and video games from his childhood.
Aung Khant started “doodling” during his university years driven by his exhaustion about traditional painting methods. His doodles were quite popular at that time among young people for their extremely complex structures. He also worked with multiple local clothing brands and organisations with his design.
Graduated from University of Arts and Culture Yangon with B.A. in Painting, he made the first solo show in Yangon during the third year of university. Being a full time arts teacher, he was a passionate art educator. He co-founded an artist organization called “JINN” where he wrote educational pieces about modern and contemporary art. He also volunteered to teach arts in rehabilitation centres and monasteries.