Atlas Movement art exhibition re-cap

We joined the Freedom Marathon event with Atlas Movement in September, where we exhibited some of our activist artworks from Myanmar, Thailand and Hong Kong. It was an awesome opportunity to celebrate the power and resilience with like-minded freedom fighters across the world.

After all the excitement, we re-capture some of the most memorable moments: 

Vladimir Ashurkov, Executive Director of Alexei Navalny's Anti-Corruption Foundation and Finn Lau, Hong Kong activist shared their experiences about how people in Democratic countries can help in the fight against authoritarianism. Vladimir stated that solidarity is very important, but most importantly democracies must strengthen their own institutions. In doing so, they set good examples for authoritarian country. 


We watched an award-winning documentary “Dear Future Children” which follows three young female activists in Hong Kong, Chile, and Uganda and documents their struggles to fight for democracy, social justice, and climate justice. 

During the post-screening panel discussion, the director Franz Böhm revealed that it’s extremely difficult to get the documentary covering conflict outside the EU to be distributed in the UK and EU. When you buy a film, you make a conscious choice of what we support. In artvocate, we feel that we are facing a similar challenge in raising the awareness about the struggles in foreign countries. 


One of our artists from Hong Kong - Lumli Lumlong came to the event and signed on their Thousand Hands Man canvas print. They were among a few of our artists who had to flee their home country due to the threat posed by the political situation.  


We selected two of our artworks to be presented to the panel speakers. 

  • Tree Devas by Loboboy was presented to Vladimir Ashurkov - the painting captures the situation of enforced disappearance in Thailand. It signifies that international community have to unify and fight against oppressive states who illegally detain or abduct any opposition voices.
  • Thousand Hands Man by Lumli Lumlong was presented to Finn Lau. The painting symbolises the unity between the different factions of the pro-democracy movement in Hong Kong,  




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